3D printing licence management
So you can provide your own replacement parts
This is how fast and flexible parts provision works today: you can obtain certified licences to produce your own 3D-printed parts via the OMNIplus 3D printing licence shop. These enable you to print many current components and replacement parts, and even make rare parts for special features of your vehicles. The system is also ideal for smaller quantities of parts. When will you take control of parts production yourself?
Producing replacement parts “on demand”
The datasets for the components, with all the necessary information for 3D printing, are stored in the “digital warehouse” and can be reordered at any time using their part number. This means rapid, worldwide supply can be guaranteed for decades to come. Production is carried out by certified 3D printers on the part of Daimler Buses or at the certified 3D-printing centre of your choice. Perfect for companies that want to make parts “on demand” – that is, just at the moment they are needed. The advantages: swift availability, reduced costs and shorter supply chains thanks to cutting out the middleman. And the reduction in the carbon footprint is another important positive effect for your company.
Buy 3D printing licences online now
The 3D printing licences can be obtained via the OMNIplus licence shop.
The most important facts at a glance
- Flexible, rapid parts production “on demand”
- Short transport routes and supply chains
- No warehousing costs
- In-house production by certified 3D printing centres
- Practically no time limitation on part availability
- 3D printing licences available online in the 3D printing licence eShop